Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Our guest blogger today is Karyn Wilton.  Karyn is the Co-Director of our Women's Ministry and is the wife of our Senior Pastor, Dr. Don Wilton. She is a wife, mother, grandmother, daughter, sister,friend, and women's ministry leader. Karyn was born and grew up in South Africa and has traveled the world in ministry. Most of all, she loves the Lord with her whole heart and has a strong passion for mentoring young women. Thank you Karyn, for sharing your words and thoughts!

Be still and know that I am God
Psalm 46:10 KJV 

I walked back into my home to a deafening silence after leaving my daughter at college for the first time. That night and the following days I became acquainted with a hush that I had not experienced before. I could not help but meditate on the hush that was now the new resident in my home.

As the hush became more prominent, my mind could only compare this new companion to the hush of God that we experience from time to time in our lives. The times when you so wanted to hear a word from Him but all you knew was that gentle hush. The time you so longed to know His will, whether you should go this way or that; but yet as you reached out all you could grasp was the gentle hush that led you to an abandoning faith. Like the little one who takes his first steps not realizing his father walks behind him with outstretched arms ready to catch him lest he falls. The father allows the little one to experience his brave little steps by himself until he begins to waver. The father stands prepared to steady or soothe at a moment’s notice.  I think our Heavenly Father hovers ever watchful with a holy hush as we take our baby steps of faith. He desires us to be courageous and daunting while He delights in us and our walk of faith.

            How beautiful it is to see a father or mother rush in to soothe a distressed child. All that is needed is for the parent to swoop up the child and whisper into the ear of the little one, “Hush, hush my child.”  A peaceful calm suddenly rests on the once distraught child.

Have you ever known the hush of God? Has there been a time when you longed to hear his voice, but had to continue walking in faith? At the right time when you started to falter, His unconstrained love and grace swept you up into His arms and He said, “Hush, hush my child. Be still and know that I am God.” Rest in Him today knowing that He is watching over you even when you experience the hush of God.

            Prayer: We praise you, our Heavenly Father for taking such good care of us. Help us to welcome those times when we experience your heavenly hush. Thank you for working out all things for your purpose. We adore You. Amen.

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